Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ever since I got adsense approved. I somehow lost track of how to carry the blog forward. Now, I realize that rather than making it a tool to earn a few bucks, I would rather let it be my personal space. I am much better this way, letting out my secrets, my wishes, my desires, my anger, my love, my every thought. So, from today onwards

rather than making my blog a commercialized product. I would keep it simple as it used to be earlier. Once a friend of mine told me, your first blog is like your baby. I didn't realize the significance of his words then. But now, I realize the importance of what he said. Maybe this is the reason, ever since I tried using my baby to earn revenue, I lost interest in the whole process. So, I hope I would keep this in mind from now on and would search for alternatives to earn revenue ;) What say?